Biomanufacturing Textbook
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With permission: G Jagschies et al., “Biopharmaceutical Processing”:
Development, Design, and Implementation of Manufacturing Processes,
Elsevier 2018
58 chapters covering
- Disease priorities
- Biopharma business
- Process capabilities & designs
- Principles & Methods
- Equipment & Facilities
- Analytics, Quality, CMC
- Industry case studies
- Economics of bioprocessing
100 authors, 1.200 pages
"Biopharmaceutical Processing" tells the story of making biotherapeutics and vaccines available for patients anytime, and anywhere in the world. We tell it from the perspective of those who develop the means, design the processes and operate the plants where these medicines are manufactured. Helping to make these medicines affordable is a key motivator for us to always refocus our story from just technical or scientific descriptions. For safe and economically viable worldwide spread of biologic medicines from production facilities is dependent on improving the methods, their productivity and robustness in delivering quality, and on making the best decisions leading to an integrated strategy.
This book is intended for everyone who works with process development or manufacturing-related aspects in the biopharma or vaccine industry, all the way from senior management to team leaders and supervisors. For academic readers, this handbook is a key source for comprehensive education in the field of bioprocessing and preparation of students for work in their industry careers.